Watching Good Morning America, as if on cue, they are confirming my disdain for xmas consumerism by having a "re-gifting" party!!
A personal diary of shit that happens to me and my general reflections about...anything!
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Monday, December 24, 2012
Celtic birds
No appts this weekend, so I started this tattoo of celtic birds, just above my right knee. Ran out of time, will finish the black fill later...
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Beginning of my sleeve tattoo
Decided to make my right arm an asian inspired sleeve of tattoos. Beginning with this pagoda on a mountain top...
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Flower tattoo special!
Tattooed a new client Sunday! I am running a special on floral tattoos. She chose the rose. Check out my special on craigslist! Tell your friends, please!
No, I'm not entering the marathon. I had done a touch up on my son's tiger lily tattoo and was just about to leave when we got two walk-ins. A couple wanted matching tattoos of the Warrior Dash icon: a viking helmut. Beneath the helmut are the years they ran, and will add to it as they go. Loved the font! Apparently, the motto is blood, sweat, and beers. Client thought the font looked like blood and sweat... Pretty cool!
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Son's follow up
Met with radiologist, MRI shows one tumor gone, only some scar tissue from the other!
Dr proclaimed him NED (no evidence of disease). It's the same as "in remission." Very good news!! Best bday present to me!
Monday, September 10, 2012
September 8th
Annual camping weekend!! Fun and frivolity with friends!
This year's theme was "your favorite dish from Thanksgiving or Christmas." Decorations were also encouraged!
I wish I knew how to include more than one picture... I'll post another blog just for the pics..

August 25th
Start of a shoulder piece. Client wanted a shoulder piece to tie into the tribal armband he already had. Did line work for a Japanese style cloud and wind bars. Will complete the shading on Sept 15th...
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Death and technology
Been having two days of tech difficulties this week. Co-worker tried to print, result was a blank page with only the words, "Processing request". I suggested she put that on her grave stone....
Friday, August 10, 2012
Volunteering at The Bite of Oregon
Four chefs are providing their culinary samples, one ticket = one taste. I'm in the booth to the right selling tickets!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Late SaturDAY
Walk-in client wanted tribal wrist band with font above, "Let Them Forget Nothing" While this may seem like an easy, small, tattoo, it was pretty difficult. Instructor warned me! Once, I thought I'd lost the stencil. So I quickly layed the ink for the rest of the tattoo, then repeated any lines that needed darkened. The toughest part was getting even saturation over the sides of the wrist.
I have to admit, with the difficulty factor, and repeating the lines, I didnt see a single blow out or "blue-ing"!
Friday, July 20, 2012
Carb shock
I was told lunch and snacks would be provided...
10:00 banana
11:30 beignet w/coffee
12:15 two PB & Js on whole grain bread, banana, chocolate chip cookie, last slice of cheese pizza, water (I passed on the sweet tea) ;)
I think there were more grains than bread! Interesting sandwich.
Think I need a de-carb-rillator!
Next up, vol at Root Beer Float station! I'll try to stay out of the ice promises!
Sponsors making some progress....
Volunteering at Sand in the City. Sponsors build sand sculptures in Pioneer Courthouse Square. Public votes with dollars for favorite. Proceeds go to Impact NW, helps low to moderate income families.
I'm in charge of recycling AM, Root Beer Float station PM.
Sponsors are busy at work on their sculptures....
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Last treatment!
Today was son's last radiation treatment!! Follow-up in 3 months and MRI to check on tumors, or lack of.
He has some patches of hair loss, and short-term memory problems - which may be permanent - but mild, like someone in their 40s, but should be able to get by with memory aids. All in all, I think he came through pretty damn good!
Love you, Son!!
Tribal koi
Got a walk-in last Sat for a small tribal koi... She had it put on her upper left chest. Pretty cool! The head and trail will heal lighter than the body.
Keltic restoration
Got another walk-in, scheduled for Sun. Fourteen-year-old tattoo needed new line work and shading. Did the line work only, shading later... As I was tattooing it was like the old tattoo was coming back to life!
Thursday, June 21, 2012
It's official!
After a week of fostering two adorable little creatures, I have decided to adopt them! Meet two new additions to the family: Bonnie and Clyde!
Sunday, June 10, 2012
New tattoo for me!
Got a new tattoo for myself today!
It's a mash up of two illustrations by homo-erotic artist, Tom of Finland. I couldn't find just the right "portrait", so I put the torso of one on another.
It was done by a fellow student, a little challenging for him, but I think he did a great job!!
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Old English font tattoo
Totally forgot to post this last weekend. Client's son's name on the back of his upper arm.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Hoot Hoot!
Heard the sounds of birds squawking like it was the end of the earth outside the condo today.
Went to see what all the commotion was about... As I watched the Robins and Blue Jays screeching at each other, they slowly evacuated from the large maple.
When they had all left, I also noticed two large, brown, forms on the branches. At first, I thought they were some strange form of nests each bird was protecting. As I continued to stare at the nests, one blinked back at me! My picture is not the greatest, but if you look to the right, you can make out the owl! Way cool!
Happy Memorial day!
Thistle finished
After some research, and some creative collaboration with client, we came up with this as his tattoo.
I think this is one of my best so far!

Saturday, May 5, 2012
New client!
She found me thru craigslist, wanted this symbol on her wrist. Pretty cool! It's called Cho ku rei from reiki for good health.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Sunflower done!
Added final color and shading to the center, with highlights to the seeds, per clients request. Petals needed some touch up. Took another three hours total. She's a rock! Looks great!
More to come. Remember, this is the start of a large back piece down the left side...
Walk in
Got my first walk in client, Saturday! Client wanted a name on her lower back with a heart.
I've been told font is difficult, I was a little nervous, but I think it came out pretty well!
Forgot to take a pic before covering it with vaseline...
Half way to work, I realize I forgot my phone at home! Funny thing is, my trips to the bathroom weren't as long as usual...
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Seeing Stars!
Another new client also wanted to add to a previous tattoo. A trail of stars from her lower back to behind her ear. Ran out of time to do the ones behind ear. Placed each star individually! She really liked it!
She is on the fence about doing the ones behind the ear, or filling in some of them. We'll see at her next appt in two weeks...
Sunday, April 22, 2012
New client
My first client, outside of family, wanted vines and flowers added to a previous tattoo. She also didn't like the tail ending on the hummingbird. Using a reference she brought in, and with some help from the instructor, we came up with this, a cover-up. Client also had a limited budget, $40.
I stenciled the main elements, flower and leaves, instructor connected them with vines, free-handed on the client!
I like the color of the leaves, they look curved.

Friday, April 20, 2012
At Habitat for Humanity. Indoor finishing work, I'm caulking at the moment. Fun! Getting paint and caulk all over me. And getting paid by my company to volunteer. Sweet!
Yep, I could play with caulk all day long!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Sunflower color
Worked on coloring the sunflower. Client tapped out after 4 hrs. Will finish the center in possibly a reddish-brown, client still thinking about two weeks.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Truck brands
While waiting in the car on a rare sunny afternoon, I noticed the emblem on the truck parked in front of us...
Not Ford...