Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Week two - TWO POUNDS

It has been two weeks (this the start of my third) and I've GAINED two more pounds!!

I followed the diet to the letter, except for having creamer in my coffee while fasting (they said that was cheating, but that is was ok if I didn't over do it).

My meals were mostly:

Breakfast:  two eggs with a slice of cheddar and two strips of bacon (sometimes with one slice of bread as a sandwich)
Morning snack:  cottage cheese with strawberries (and splenda)
Lunch:  usually meat and veggies (maybe a carb, equivalent to a slice of bread)
Afternoon snack:  pork rinds or peanuts (or my morning snack if I missed it)
  --and on the way home during my commute, some cheddar cheese (about 2 oz)
Dinner:  more meat and veggies, or a salad, or chinese food

I started eating at 11am and stopped at 7pm.  The toughest part is waiting until 11am. I filled up on coffee or tea (no sugar).

I had read a couple of reviews of the book and they said they practically lost weight without doing anything!  I guess there's no magic bullet for losing weight, except exercise.  Looks like I'll have to muster the encouragement to get back on track.  My expanding waistline and general lethargy are good motivators!!

I'll give this ONE more try...   I'll continue the diet through this week. Although, I'm taking vacation soon and may have to cheat...  but the following week, it's back on the treadmill, or maybe I'll try one of Men's Health's "Fat-busting" exercises!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Week one

Hmmmm.... Tried the diet for 6 days, gained one pound! But, I'm not giving up. See how the next week goes...

Thursday, June 20, 2013

8 hour diet

Stopped working out last fall, but continued on the  low carb diet. Gained almost all the lost weight back!  Can't seem to find the motivation to start working out again. Could be the extra hours at work... 

Then, I came across this new diet called, "The 8 Hour Diet."

I won't go into it's details here, it's easy to find the online.  Essentially, you can eat what you want for only eight hours a day, no baked goods, sugar, white rice or pasta.  The other hours are for fasting. 

Started Monday, and I swear I've lost one belt notch!   I will post official results next week....

We'll see how it goes....

Saturday, May 11, 2013


Whomever the genius that put purple and yellow together is...FAB-ulous!  Not.


While visiting, I had to leave the hospital to get some headache medicine! Isn't it ironic...

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A personal scare!

The other day, I had a bloody bowel movement. Before rushing to the hospital, I waited to see if it happened on the next one. (I had to wait till the following morning!) It didnt. Whew!

I concluded it was one of two causes: a hemorrhoid, or something I ate. No, Gery, I did not eat a bucket o' beets! However, I did have leftover sweet n sour chicken the day before. The sauce is a psychedelic red. Viola! Bloody stool! 


I am now a licensed tattoo artist!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Cherry blossoms

Can you find the hidden object? If so, don't tell, just yell, "got wood!"

For my friends... You know who you are!  ;)

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

Check it out! The branding on my pork rind looks like Mary!!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Sleeve continues

New addition to my sleeve. Color was added about two weeks ago... Getting there!

Thursday, March 28, 2013


So, I was at the Social Security Office today, applying for a replacement card. While waiting for them to call my number I had nothing to do. My phone was dying, so I couldn't play a game or listen to an audible book. And the ladies conversations around me were in other languages. FAIL!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Finished my FIRST leg

Finally completed the shading and color on my FIRST leg self-tattoo. I've decided it is a peacock, so I colored the wings.

Funny....it's easy to remember my bird tattoo dates... 

The crane was done over Thanksgiving weekend (turkey).

The peacock over xmas weekend (colorful, like the lights).

The eagle on Presidents day (no explanation required)!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Lose weight

Need inspiration for losing weight?

Wear tight fitting clothing for a day!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Heart beat tattoo

Did this one recently on a young girl, upper left chest near the collar bone. It was her first and she enjoyed every minute!

Lotus tattoo

Did this one Saturday...

Client chose the colors. Had fun doing it!  Took four hours! She almost tapped out near the end, but hung in there. Doing another one on her this weekend, too!


It's not very comforting, but ever since I was young, it's been my observation that bullies never truly go away, they're always replaced by another one.

Briefly rejoice in their departure, until the next one appears... 

Life is full of good and bad, how else could you appreciate one without the other?!